How to Plant
What is a plantable card?
Plantable greeting cards are printed on seed paper, which is made in Canada with post-consumer materials and embedded with wildflower seeds. The seed paper is biodegradable and eco-friendly — trees are not harmed when producing seed paper!
You can plant the paper in a pot of soil, water it regularly and watch the seeds grow into wildflowers in just a few weeks! The paper composts away, so there is no waste left behind.
Happy planting and blooming!
How to plant your seed paper card
1 | Prepare plant pot
Find a plant pot of your choice and fill it with potting soil about 2/3 full. Press down on the soil to make it firm, but make sure it’s not too packed as it would restrict the water from flowing down.
2 | Plant the paper
Place your plantable paper or greeting card on the soil. Add a light layer of soil (around 1/8 inch) on top of the plantable paper. Press down gently on the top layer of soil.
3 | Water it
Now that the paper has been planted, make sure you water it. Soak it with a good amount of water, but be sure it doesn’t drown. For the initial 10 days or so, ensure the soil is moist everyday. This is needed for the seeds to germinate — in other words, for the little sprouts to pop up!
4 | Take care of it
After the sprouts appear, ensure you water regularly — but be careful not to overdo it! As the plants gain strength, keep watering as needed. Ensure the plant is located in a sunny spot for best results. Eventually the wildflowers will bloom!
As pollinator plants, wildflowers help support declining bee populations. They also help to create habitats for birds, butterflies and other insects in the community.
Our plantable seed paper cards contain a mix of six wildflowers illustrated below. After you plant the seed paper, you'll be surprised with the wildflowers that will grow!
Bird’s Eye (Annual)
Clarkia (Annual)
Black Eyed Susan (Perennial)
Catchfly (Annual)
Snapdragon (Annual)
Sweet Alyssum (Annual)